Henry Moore 1898-1986
19 x 5 x 5 cm
Further images
There is a grace and ease in this willowy form, which is likely the realised sculpture of Moore’s preparatory sketch Thin Standing Figures (1935). Moore returned often returned to this series, casting them in bronze from the early 1950s through to at least the late 1970s.
Collection of Lord John Tennant Davenport Siddeley, 3rd Baron Kenilworth, UK;
Private collection, UK
Robert Melville, Henry Moore: Sculpture and Drawings 1921-1969 (London: Thames and Hudson Limited, 1970), 306 & 366, no. 699 (another cast illustrated);
Alan Bowness (ed.), Henry Moore: Complete Sculpture 1964-73, vol. 4 (London: Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, 1977), 42-43, no. 539 (another cast illustrated);
John Hedgecoe, A Monumental Vision: The Sculpture of Henry Moore (London: Collins & Brown Limited, 1998), 230-31, no. 498 (another cast illustrated)